Larry Grzesik wanted a personal identity system that highlighted him outside of his professional life. He is an avid fisherman and that was the main focus in the development of the logo. I created the logo, secondary logo, delivery system, boat wrap, coffee mug, beer koozie, t-shirt, and sweatshirt. These all highlighted Larry’s funny side as well as bringing in a little bit of his profession with the “Work Hard Play Harder” sweatshirt.
At night Larry works in the hospital as an x-ray tech. He loves his job but his passion and "play time" is fishing. I created mood boards to find just the right amount of work and play graphics. I researched color combinations he was drawn to and implemented them into the final graphics.
I wanted Slick's Fishing Guy's identity to be similar to an up north bait shop sign as well as have one of Larry's favorite lures illustrated in it. Larry may be pushing the age of retirement but is very lively and I wanted this brand to also reflect his inner child.
RGB: #e5c9b5
RGB: #e5c9b5
Because I wanted this brand to be very personal, I worked with Lary to get images and create web pages about him, his history, and ideal fishing conditions to lure type and color. I asked him to take old wooden lures and x-ray them so I could create the "Work Hard Play Harder" clothing graphics.